Event / Holter Monitoring

Our range of standard Event and Holter Monitors includes both looping and non-looping Event monitors as well as a digital Holter monitor.

A looping monitor continuously records a patient’s ECG. When an event is manually recorded, the monitor automatically goes into a loop-mode to save the selected pre-symptom portion of the ECG rhythm, while continuing to record a post-symptom portion of the ECG.

An auto-detect looping monitor continuously records the heart’s rhythm, automatically saving the pre-event portion of the ECG, while continuing to record its post-event portion. Unique algorithms detect and automatically record asymptomatic events.

A non-looping monitor is suitable for patients with sustained symptoms of over 60 seconds or for those with electrode sensitivity issues. With built-in electrodes, this monitor allows patients to place the monitor over their chest when they feel a symptom and press a button to record.

Our digital Holter monitor is a lightweight compact device utilizing digital “flash memory” technology, and providing continuous diagnostic 3-channel ECG recording for up to 48 hours.

Contact us today to learn more.